Victoria de los Angeles


7 Canciones populares españolas: No. 7, Polo
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
5 Canciones negras: No. 1, Cuba dentro de un piano
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
5 Canciones negras: No. 3, Chévere
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
5 Canciones negras: No. 2, Punto de habanera
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
5 Canciones negras: No. 4, Canción de cuna para dormir a un negrito
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
5 Canciones negras: No. 5, Canto negro
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La rosa enflorece (Arr. Valls)
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
Ven querida (Arr. Valls)
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
Adió, querida (Arr. Valls)
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
Durme, durme, hermozo hijico (Arr. Valls)
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
Paxaro d'hermosura (Arr. Valls)
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
Avrix, mi galanica (Arr. Valls)
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
Irme quiero, la mi madre (Arr. Valls)
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Ya viene el cativo (Arr. Valls)
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Yo m'enamori d'un aire (Arr. Valls)
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Una matica de ruda (Arr. Valls)
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Anda, jaleo (Arr. Lorca)
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Los cuatro muleros (Arr. Lorca)
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Las tres hojas (Arr. Lorca)
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Los mozos de Monleón (Arr. Lorca)
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Las morillas de Jaén (Arr. Lorca)
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Sevillanas del siglo XVIII (Arr. Lorca)
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A l'ombra del lledoner: No. 2, Cançó de grumet
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12 Tonadillas en estilo antiguo: No. 2, Callajeo
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12 Tonadillas en estilo antiguo: No. 7, El tra-la-la y el punteado
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6 Canciones castellanas: No. 5, Jota. Cómo quieres que adivine
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Goyescas, Cuadro III: La maja y el ruiseñor. "Porqué entre sombras el ruiseñor" (Rosario)
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Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
20 Cantos Populares Españoles: No. 7, Granadina
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Adiós, Granada (Arr. Los Ángeles)
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7 Canciones amatorias: No. 2, Iban al pinar
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
7 Canciones amatorias: No. 7, Gracia mía
Icon: Victoria De Los Angeles
Bachianas brasileiras No. 5, W389: I. Ária
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Bachianas brasileiras No. 5, W389: II. Dança
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Chôros No. 1, W161 "Chôro típico"
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4: I. Prelúdio (Introdução): Lento
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 2: IV. Tocata (O Trezinho do Caipira): Un poco moderato
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Five Preludes: No.1 in E minor
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Fantasia para saxophone, W490: I. Animé
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Fantasia para saxophone, W490: II. Lent
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Fantasia para saxophone, W490: III. Très animé
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Alma Brasileira (Choros Tipico N°5) (2006 Remastered Version)
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
A Maré Encheu (Guia Pratica) (2006 Remastered Version)
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 3: IV. Tocata (Picapau): Allegro
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Etude No. 1 in E minor
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 1: I. Introdução (Embolada): Animato
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Forest of the Amazon (1996 Remastered Version): Sentimental Melody
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Forest of the Amazon (1996 Remastered Version): Forest Fire
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Forest of the Amazon (1996 Remastered Version): Finale
Villa-Lobos: Bachianas brasileiras etc
Orlando furioso : Act 2 "Chiara al pari di lucida stella" [Angelica]
Vivaldi : Orlando furioso [Highlights] - Apex
Carmen, WD 31, Act 1 Scene 4: Récitatif, "Quand je vous aimerai?" - No. 5, Havanaise, "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle" (Carmen, Chorus)
The Three Sopranos
5 Songs, Op. 49: No. 4, Wiegenlied (Orch. Gamley)
On Wings of Songs & Zarzuela Arias
5 Songs, Op. 49: No. 4, Wiegenlied (Orch. Gamley)
On Wings of Songs & Zarzuela Arias
Goyescas, Cuadro III: La maja y el ruiseñor. "Porqué entre sombras el ruiseñor" (Rosario)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cinco Canciones negras (2004 Remastered Version): Cuba dento de un piano (Alberti)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cinco Canciones negras (2004 Remastered Version): Punto de Habanera (Luján)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cinco Canciones negras (2004 Remastered Version): Chévere (Guillén)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cinco Canciones negras (2004 Remastered Version): Canción de cuna para dormir a un negrito (Valdés)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cinco Canciones negras (2004 Remastered Version): Canto negro (Guillén)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
7 Canciones amatorias: No. 1, Llorad corazón, que tenéis razón
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
7 Canciones amatorias: No. 2, Iban al pinar
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cuatro Madrigales amatorios (Traditional) (2004 Remastered Version): E conqué la lavaré?
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cuatro Madrigales amatorios (Traditional) (2004 Remastered Version): Vós me matasteis
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cuatro Madrigales amatorios (Traditional) (2004 Remastered Version): De dónde venís, amores?
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cuatro Madrigales amatorios (Traditional) (2004 Remastered Version): De los álamos vengo, madre
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Triptic de mossèn cinto: I. L'harpa sagarda
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Triptic de mossèn cinto: II. Lo violi de Sant Francesch
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Triptic de mossèn cinto: III. Sant Franesch i la cigala
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
El combat del somni (orch.Ros-Marbá) (2004 Remastered Version): Damunt de tú, només les flors
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
El combat del somni (orch.Ros-Marbá) (2004 Remastered Version): Aquesta nit un mateix vent
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
El combat del somni (orch.Ros-Marbá) (2004 Remastered Version): Jo et pressentia com la mar
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cinco canciones playeras españolas (2004 Remastered Version): I. Rutas
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cinco canciones playeras españolas (2004 Remastered Version): II. Pregon
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cinco canciones playeras españolas (2004 Remastered Version): III. Las 12
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cinco canciones playeras españolas (2004 Remastered Version): IV. El pescador
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Cinco canciones playeras españolas (2004 Remastered Version): V. Coplilla
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Quatre Cançons (2004 Remastered Version): Canço de grumet (Garcés)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Quatre Cançons (2004 Remastered Version): Cançó incerta (Carner)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Quatre Cançons (2004 Remastered Version): Maig (Catasús)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Quatre Cançons (2004 Remastered Version): Anacreòntica (Arderiu)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Madrigal sobre un tema popular: El cant dels ocells (Traditional)
The Maiden and The Nightingale - Songs of Spain
Gianni Schicchi: "O mio babbino caro" (Lauretta)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Madama Butterfly, Act 2: "Un bel dì vedremo" (Butterfly)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
La bohème, Act 1: "Sì. Mi chiamano Mimì" (Mimì, Rodolfo)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Suor Angelica: "Senza mamma, o bimbo, tu sei morto!" (Suor Angelica)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Cavalleria rusticana: "Voi lo sapete, O mamma" (Santuzza)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
I Pagliacci (1953 Remastered Version): Qual fiamma avea nel guardo!...Hui! Stridono lassu
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
La Wally, Act 1: "Ebben? Ne andrò lontana" (Wally)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
La Cenerentola, Act 2: "Nacqui all'affanno, al pianto" - "Non più mesta" (Cenerentola)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Il barbiere di Siviglia, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 9, Cavatina, "Una voce poco fa" (Rosina)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
La traviata, Act 1: "È strano... è strano!" (Violetta)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Le Nozze di Figaro K492 (1990 Remastered Version): Porgi, amor (Act 2)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Tannhäuser (1990 Remastered Version): Dich, teure Halle, grüss' ich wieder (Elisabeth's Greeting) (Act 2)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Lohengrin, WWV 75, Act 1 Scene 2: "Einsam in trüben Tagen" (Elsa)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Manon, Act 2: "Allons, il le faut !" - "Adieu notre petite table" (Manon)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Faust (1994 Remastered Version): Les grand seigneurs...Ah! je ris (Jewel Song)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Carmen, WD 31, Act 1 Scene 4: Récitatif, "Quand je vous aimerai?" - No. 5, Havanaise, "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle" (Carmen, Chorus)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
6 Songs, Op. 34: No. 2, Auf Flügeln des Gesanges, MWV K86 (Orch. Gamley)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
Melodies of the Heart, Op. 5: No. 3, Ich liebe dich (Orch. Gamley)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles
5 Lieder, Op. 49: IV. Wiegenlied (Orch. Gamley)
The Very Best Of Victoria De Los Angeles




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