Do As Infinity



伴 都美子(Vo.)、大渡 亮(Gt.&Vo.)からなるロックバンド。

同年9月29日、シングル「Tangerine Dream」でavex traxよりデビュー。
数々のヒット曲と、ミリオンを記録するアルバムをリリースし、日本音楽界に 確固たる 立ち位置を確立する。

シングル3部作「Alive / Iron Hornet」、「To Know You」、

5月19日より台湾公演2DAYSを含む、ツアー Do As Infinity LIVE TOUR 2018-ALIVE-は各地でソールドアウトを記録した。

その他にもTAC IN台湾、シンガポールNATSU ROCK2018にも参加。



rumble fish(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
Week!(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
魔法の言葉 ~Would you marry me?~(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
Mysterious Magic(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
under the sun(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
アザヤカナハナ(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
ハレルヤ(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
陽のあたる坂道(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
翼の計画(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
深い森(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
Yesterday & Today(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
空想旅団(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
君がいない未来(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
アリアドネの糸(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
One or Eight(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
本日ハ晴天ナリ(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
エレジー(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
遠くまで(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
Welcome!(Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-)
Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us-
One or Eight [2 of Us]
翼の計画 [2 of Us]
One or Eight [2 of Us]
翼の計画 [2 of Us]
We are. [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
遠くまで [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
柊 [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
アリアドネの糸 [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
1/100 [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
Heart [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
Mysterious Magic [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
For the future [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
魔法の言葉~Would you marry me?~ [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
深い森 [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
under the moon [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
陽のあたる坂道 [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
生まれゆくものたちへ [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
Yesterday & Today [2 of Us]
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES-
冒険者たち [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
君がいない未来 [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
Desire [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
真実の詩 [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
Week! [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
under the sun [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
rumble fish [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
楽園 [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
Oasis [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
誓い [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
TAO [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
黄昏 [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
Tangerine Dream [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
本日ハ晴天ナリ [2 of Us]
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES-
We are. [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
遠くまで [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
柊 [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
アリアドネの糸 [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
1/100 [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
Heart [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
Mysterious Magic [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
For the future [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
魔法の言葉~Would you marry me?~ [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
深い森 [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
under the moon [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
陽のあたる坂道 [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
生まれゆくものたちへ [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
Yesterday & Today [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [BLUE] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
冒険者たち [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
君がいない未来 [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
Desire [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
真実の詩 [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
Week! [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
under the sun [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
rumble fish [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
楽園 [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
Oasis [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
誓い [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
TAO [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
黄昏 [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
Tangerine Dream [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
本日ハ晴天ナリ [2 of Us](Instrumental)
2 of Us [RED] -14 Re:SINGLES- "MINUS V"
Yesterday & Today(Instrumental)
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
BREAK OF DAWN(Instrumental)
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Welcome !(Instrumental)
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Grateful Journey(Instrumental)
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Gates of heaven(Instrumental)
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Thanksgiving Day(Instrumental)
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Need your love(Instrumental)
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
I miss you?(Instrumental)
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"
Do As Infinity Instrumental Collection "MINUS V"





mora 最新音楽ニュース @mora_info
