

イギリスの声楽グループ。1968年に主にキングズ・カレッジの学生6人により結成され、40年以上にわたり活動を続けているア・カペラグループとしては草分け的な存在。 レパートリーは宗教曲からフォークソング、ポップスまで幅広く、現代作品の委嘱にも積極的である。


26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 7, Tan ta ra, Cries Mars
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
The First Set of English Madrigalls to 4, 5 and 6 Voyces: No. 14, Why Should I Love?
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
The First Sett of Italian Madrigalls Englished: No. 28, This Sweet and Merry Month of May
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Balletts to Five Voyces, Book 1: No. 3, Now is the Month of Maying
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 14, Four Arms, Two Necks
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Ballets and Madrigals, Volume 1: No. 8, Hark, all Ye Lovely Saints
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 20, Since Robin Hood
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Canzonets or Little Short Songs to Three Voyces: No. 23, Though Philomela Lost her Love
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
The Second Set of Madrigales: No. 27, O Wretched Man
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Madrigalls to Fovre Voyces: No. 13, Weep, O Mine Eyes
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 25, The Nightingale
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 6, Come Sirrah Jack, Ho
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
The First Set of English Madrigals: No. 24, Cruel, Behold My Heavy Ending
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
First set of Madrigals to 4 Voices: No. 14, Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting All Alone
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
L'ultimo dì di maggio
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Un cavalier di Spagna
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Vezzosi augelli
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Valle, che de lamenti miei
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Mentre il cucolo
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Chi la gagliarda (Vocal Version)
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Chi chi li chi
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Festino nella sera del Giovedì Grasso avanti Cena, Op. 18: XII. Contrappunto bestiale alla Mente
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Mascherata de cacciatori
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Matona, mia cara, mi follere canzon
Madrigals & Songs From The Renaissance
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
Macht hoch die Tür: Advents- und Weihnachtsmusik
The Little Drummer Boy
Macht hoch die Tür: Advents- und Weihnachtsmusik
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
Macht hoch die Tür: Advents- und Weihnachtsmusik
The Little Drummer Boy
Macht hoch die Tür: Advents- und Weihnachtsmusik
Ultimi miei sospiri
The Da Vinci Sound
Ultimi miei sospiri
The Da Vinci Sound
Nonsense Madrigals: 1. Two Dreams and Little Bat
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 2. Cuckoo in the Pear-Tree
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 3. The Alphabet
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 4. Flying Robert
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 5. The Lobster Quadrille
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 6. A Long, Sad Tale
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 1. Two Dreams and Little Bat
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 2. Cuckoo in the Pear-Tree
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 3. The Alphabet
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 4. Flying Robert
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 5. The Lobster Quadrille
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Nonsense Madrigals: 6. A Long, Sad Tale
Györgi Ligeti Masterworks
Livre de chansons nouvelles: No. 11, Bonjour, et puis quelles nouvelles
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Quatriesme livre des chansons: No. 1, Bonjour mon cœur
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Continuation du mellange: No. 43, Dessus le marché d'Arras
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Dixhuictieme livre de chansons: No. 1, Il estoit une religieuse
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Les meslanges: No. 82, Au feu, au feu, venez-moi secourir
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Livre de chansons nouvelles: No. 10, Paisible domaine
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Mellange d'Orlande: No. 8, O vin en vigne
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Continuation du mellange: No. 41, Vignon, vignon, vignette
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Les meslanges: No. 26, La nuit froide et sombre
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Quatriesme livre des chansons: No. 4, Quand mon mary vient de dehors
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Mellange d'Orlande: No. 59, Toutes les nuitz
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Le thrésor de musique: Musica est Dei donum optimi
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Libro de villanelle, moresche et altre canzoni: No. 12, Matona, mia cara
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Continuation du mellange: No. 20, Come la notte ogni fiamella
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Libro de villanelle, moresche et altre canzoni: No. 20, Chi chi li chi
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Primo libro di madrigali: No. 1, Cantai, or piango
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Ardo sì, ma non t'amo (First Version)
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Der dritte Theil schöner neuer teutscher Lieder: No. 10, Hört zu ein neus gedicht
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Neue teutsche und etliche frantzösische Gesäng: No. 1, Ein guten Rat will geben Ich
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Neue teutsche Liedlein: No. 9, Im Mayen
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Cantica sacra: No. 16, Omnia tempus habent
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Livre de chansons nouvelles: No. 11, Bonjour, et puis quelles nouvelles
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Quatriesme livre des chansons: No. 1, Bonjour mon cœur
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Continuation du mellange: No. 43, Dessus le marché d'Arras
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Dixhuictieme livre de chansons: No. 1, Il estoit une religieuse
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Les meslanges: No. 82, Au feu, au feu, venez-moi secourir
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Livre de chansons nouvelles: No. 10, Paisible domaine
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Mellange d'Orlande: No. 8, O vin en vigne
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Continuation du mellange: No. 41, Vignon, vignon, vignette
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Les meslanges: No. 26, La nuit froide et sombre
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Quatriesme livre des chansons: No. 4, Quand mon mary vient de dehors
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Mellange d'Orlande: No. 59, Toutes les nuitz
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Le thrésor de musique: Musica est Dei donum optimi
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Libro de villanelle, moresche et altre canzoni: No. 12, Matona, mia cara
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Continuation du mellange: No. 20, Come la notte ogni fiamella
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Libro de villanelle, moresche et altre canzoni: No. 20, Chi chi li chi
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Primo libro di madrigali: No. 1, Cantai, or piango
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Ardo sì, ma non t'amo (First Version)
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Der dritte Theil schöner neuer teutscher Lieder: No. 10, Hört zu ein neus gedicht
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Neue teutsche und etliche frantzösische Gesäng: No. 1, Ein guten Rat will geben Ich
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Neue teutsche Liedlein: No. 9, Im Mayen
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Cantica sacra: No. 16, Omnia tempus habent
To All Things a Season: Chansons, Madrigals and Lieder by Lassus
Moduli quatuor-novem vocum: No. 39, Domine Dominus Noster
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Magnum opus musicum: No. 43, Adoramus te Christe I a 3
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Magnum opus musicum: No. 47, In pace in idipsum
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Magnum opus musicum: No. 414, In hora ultima
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Selectiorum aliquot cantionum sacrarum: No. 10, Ad te levavi oculos meos
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Selectissimae cantiones: No. 37, Te Deum laudamus
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Praeter rerum seriem
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Praeter rerum seriem
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Cantiones aliquot 5 vocum: No. 12, Resonet in laudibus
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Sacrae lectiones novem ex propheta Iob: No. 8, Pelli meae consumptis carnibus
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Sacrae cantiones: No. 18, Christus resurgens ex mortuis
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Tibi laus, tibi gloria - Da gaudiorum praemia a 5
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Magnificat - Praeter rerum seriem
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Moduli quatuor-novem vocum: No. 39, Domine Dominus Noster
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Magnum opus musicum: No. 43, Adoramus te Christe I a 3
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus
Magnum opus musicum: No. 47, In pace in idipsum
How Excellent Is Thy Name: Sacred Music of Lassus





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