Michael Tilson Thomas


Swan Lake, Op. 20: 14. Scène: Moderato
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Swan Lake, Op. 20: 16. Danse du corps de ballet et des nains: Moderato assai; Allegro vivo; Trio
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Swan Lake, Op. 20: 17. Scène. La sortie des invites et la valse: Allegro; Tempo di valse
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Swan Lake, Op. 20: 18. Scène: Allegro; Allegro giusto
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Swan Lake, Op. 20: Variation V: Moderato; Allegro simplice
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Swan Lake, Op. 20: Danse russe: Moderato; Andante simplice; Allegro vivo
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Swan Lake, Op. 20: 22. Danse napolitaine: Allegro moderato; Andantino quasi moderato; Molto piu moso; Presto
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Swan Lake, Op. 20: 24. Scène: Allegro; Allegro vivo; L'istesso tempo
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Swan Lake, Op. 20: 26. Scène: Allegro non troppo
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Swan Lake, Op. 20: 28. Scène: Allegro agitato; Molto meno mosso; Allegro vivace
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Swan Lake, Op. 20: 29. Scène finale: Andante; Allegro agitato; Alla breve. Moderato e maestoso
Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake
Symphony No. 3 "The Camp Meeting": I. Old Folks Gatherin'. Andante maestoso
Ives: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3
Short Symphony (Symphony No. 2): Incisivo
Copland: The Modernist
Suite in A Major, Op. 98a, B. 190 "American": I. Andante con moto
Dvorák: Symphony No. 6 in D Major, Scherzo capriccioso & Suite in A Major "American"
Suite in A Major, Op. 98a, B. 190 "American": II. Allegro
Dvorák: Symphony No. 6 in D Major, Scherzo capriccioso & Suite in A Major "American"
Suite in A Major, Op. 98a, B. 190 "American": III. Moderato alla polacca
Dvorák: Symphony No. 6 in D Major, Scherzo capriccioso & Suite in A Major "American"
Suite in A Major, Op. 98a, B. 190 "American": IV. Andante
Dvorák: Symphony No. 6 in D Major, Scherzo capriccioso & Suite in A Major "American"
Suite in A Major, Op. 98a, B. 190 "American": V. Allegro
Dvorák: Symphony No. 6 in D Major, Scherzo capriccioso & Suite in A Major "American"
Symphony No. 7: I. Langsam - was weniger langsam - Nicht schleppen - Allegro con fuoco
Mahler: Symphony No. 7
Symphony No. 7: III. Scherzo. Schattenhaft in D Minor
Mahler: Symphony No. 7
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): II. Le jardin enchanté de Kastchei (The Enchanted Garden of Kastchei)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): III. Apparation de l'oiseau de feu, poursuivi par Ivan Tsarévitch (Apparition of the Firebird, Pursued by Prince Ivan)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): V. Capture de l'oiseau de feu par Ivan Tsarévitch (Capture of the Firebird by Prince Ivan)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): VI. Supplication de l'oiseau de feu (Supplication of the Firebird) - Apparation des treize princesses enchantées (Appearance of the Thirteen Enchanted Princesses)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): VII. Jeu des princesses avec les pommes d'or (The Princesses' Game with the Golden Apples). Scherzo
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): VIII. Brusque apparation d'Ivan Tsarévitch (Sudden Appearance of Prince Ivan)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): IX. Chorovod - Ronde - des princesses (Chorovod - Round Dance - of the Princesses)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): X. Lever du jour (Daybreak) - Ivan Tsarévitch pénètre dans le palais de Kastchei (Prince Ivan Penetrates the Kastchei's Palace)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): XI. Carillon féerique, apparation des monstres-gardiens de Kastchei et capture d'Ivan Tsarévitch (Magical Carillon, Appearance of Kastchei's Monsters Guardians and Capture of Prince Ivan)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): XII. Danse de la suite de Kastchei, enchantée par l'oiseau de feu (Dance of Kastchei' Retinue, Enchanted by the Firebird)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): XIII. Danse infernale de tous les sujets de Kastchei (Infernal Dance of All Kastchei's Subjects)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird): XIV. Disparation du palais est des sortilèges de Kastchei, animation des chevaliers pétrifies, allégresse générale (Disappearance of Kastchei's Palace and Magical Creations, Return to Life of the Petrified Knights, General R
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Les augures printaniers, Danses des adolescentes (The Augurs of Spring, Dances of the Young Girls)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Jeu du rapt (Ritual of Abduction)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Rondes printanières (Spring Rounds)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Jeux des cités rivales (Ritual of the Rival Tribes)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Cortège du sage (Procession of the Sage)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Le sage (The Sage)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Danse de la terre (Dance of the Earth)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Seconde partie: Le sacrifice (Part II: The Sacrifice): Cercles mysterieux des adolescentes (Mystic Circles of the Young Girls)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Seconde partie: Le sacrifice (Part II: The Sacrifice): Glorification de l'élue (Glorification of the Chosen One)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Seconde partie: Le sacrifice (Part II: The Sacrifice): Evocation des ancêtres (Evocation of the Ancestors)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Seconde partie: Le sacrifice (Part II: The Sacrifice): Action rituelle des ancêtres (Ritual Action of the Ancestors)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Seconde partie: Le sacrifice (Part II: The Sacrifice): Danse sacrale (Sacrificial Dance)
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Perséphone: The Abduction of Persephone
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Perséphone: Persephone in the Underworld
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Perséphone: Persephone Reborn
Stravinsky: L' Oiseau De Feu; Le Sacre Du Printemps; Perséphone
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4, W. 424: I. Prelúdio (Introducao). Lento
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4, W. 424: II. Coral (Canto do Sertao). Largo
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4, W. 424: III. Aria (Cantiga). Moderato
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4, W. 424: IV. Danza (Miudinho). Molto animato
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5, W. 389: I. Ária (Cantilena)
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5, W. 389: II. Dansa (Martelo). Allegretto
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 7, W. 432: I. Prelúdio (Ponteio). Adagio
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 7, W. 432: II. Giga (Quadrilha Caipira). Allegretto scherzando
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 7, W. 432: III. Tocata (Desafío). Andantino quasi allegretto
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 7, W. 432: IV. Fuga (Conversa). Andante
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 9, W. 449: I. Prélude. Vagarosa e mistico
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 9, W. 449: II. Fugue. Poco apressado
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Chôros Nr. 10, W. 209: Animé - Lent - Animé - Très peu animé
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Variations on a Theme by Haydn, Op. 56a "St. Anthony Variations": Finale. Andante
Brahms: Greatest Hits
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni): Thema: Chorale St. Antoni: Andante
Music For You: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Ouvertures, Hungarian Dances
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni): Variation I: Poco piu animato
Music For You: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Ouvertures, Hungarian Dances
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni): Variation II: Piu vivace
Music For You: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Ouvertures, Hungarian Dances
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni): Variation III: Con moto
Music For You: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Ouvertures, Hungarian Dances
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni): Variation IV: Andante con moto
Music For You: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Ouvertures, Hungarian Dances
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni): Variation V: Vivace
Music For You: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Ouvertures, Hungarian Dances
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni): Variation VI: Vivace
Music For You: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Ouvertures, Hungarian Dances
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni): Variation VII: Grazioso
Music For You: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Ouvertures, Hungarian Dances
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni): Variation VIII: Presto non troppo
Music For You: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Ouvertures, Hungarian Dances
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni): Finale: Andante
Music For You: Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Ouvertures, Hungarian Dances
Catfish Row Suite with Scenes from Porgy and Bess: Good Mornin' Sistuh!
Gershwin: 100th Birthday Celebration
Das klagende Lied: Waldmärchen
Mahler: Das klagende Lied
Das klagende Lied: Der Spielmann
Mahler: Das klagende Lied
Das klagende Lied: Hochzeitsstück
Mahler: Das klagende Lied
Das klagende Lied: Waldmärchen
Mahler: Das klagende Lied
Das klagende Lied: Der Spielmann
Mahler: Das klagende Lied
Das klagende Lied: Hochzeitsstück
Mahler: Das klagende Lied
12 Contredanses, WoO 14
Age of Elegance: Greatest Hits
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4, W. 424: I. Prelúdio (Introducao). Lento
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4, W. 424: II. Coral (Canto do Sertao). Largo
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4, W. 424: III. Aria (Cantiga). Moderato
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4, W. 424: IV. Danza (Miudinho). Molto animato
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5, W. 389: I. Ária (Cantilena)
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5, W. 389: II. Dansa (Martelo). Allegretto
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 7, W. 432: I. Prelúdio (Ponteio). Adagio
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 7, W. 432: II. Giga (Quadrilha Caipira). Allegretto scherzando
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 7, W. 432: III. Tocata (Desafío). Andantino quasi allegretto
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 7, W. 432: IV. Fuga (Conversa). Andante
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 9, W. 449: I. Prélude. Vagarosa e mistico
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Bachianas Brasileiras No. 9, W. 449: II. Fugue. Poco apressado
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Chôros Nr. 10, W. 209: Animé - Lent - Animé - Très peu animé
Villa Lobos/Alma Brasileira
Das klagende Lied: Waldmärchen
Mahler: Das klagende Lied
Das klagende Lied: Der Spielmann
Mahler: Das klagende Lied
Das klagende Lied: Hochzeitsstück
Mahler: Das klagende Lied
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Les augures printaniers, Danses des adolescentes (The Augurs of Spring, Dances of the Young Girls)
Igor Stravinsky - Le sacre du printemps (100th Anniversary Collectors Edition)
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Jeu du rapt (Ritual of Abduction)
Igor Stravinsky - Le sacre du printemps (100th Anniversary Collectors Edition)
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Rondes printanières (Spring Rounds)
Igor Stravinsky - Le sacre du printemps (100th Anniversary Collectors Edition)
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Jeux des cités rivales (Ritual of the Rival Tribes)
Igor Stravinsky - Le sacre du printemps (100th Anniversary Collectors Edition)
Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring): Première partie: L'adoration de la terre (Part I: Adoration of the Earth): Cortège du sage (Procession of the Sage)
Igor Stravinsky - Le sacre du printemps (100th Anniversary Collectors Edition)




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