The Stone Roses



英マンチェスター出身のロック・バンド。1983年にイアン・ブラウン、ジョン・スクワイアによって結成。メンバーチェンジを経て、89年に『ザ・ストーン・ローゼズ』でアルバム・デビュー。60年代風のポップなメロディとハウスのノリをミックスしたサウンドがうけて、欧州や日本で高い人気を獲得。ハッピー・マンデーズなどと“マッドチェスター・ムーヴメント”を牽引する世界的バンドとして活躍。その後、スキャンダルなどもあって長い沈黙に入るも、94年に『セカンド・カミング』を発表し再び脚光を浴びる。96年に解散。2011年に再結成。翌年にフジロック、2013年にサマソニで来日し、健在をアピール。そして2016年、20年以上ぶりとなる新曲「All For One」を発表した。


Fools Gold
One For The Lad's
Fools Gold
The Stone Roses
Fools Gold
Discover The Stone Roses
Fools Gold
Turns Into Stone
Fools Gold
Ultimate... 80s
Full Fathom Five (Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Full Fathom Five (Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Beautiful Thing
Beautiful Thing
Beautiful Thing
Beautiful Thing
Beautiful Thing
Beautiful Thing
Pearl Bastard (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Pearl Bastard (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
Pearl Bastard (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
Pearl Bastard (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Bye Bye Badman (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Bye Bye Badman (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
Bye Bye Badman (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
Bye Bye Badman (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Bye Bye Bad Man
The Stone Roses
Bye Bye Bad Man
The Stone Roses
How Do You Sleep
Second Coming
How Do You Sleep
Second Coming
Don't Stop
The Stone Roses
Don't Stop
The Stone Roses
Driving South
Second Coming
Driving South
Second Coming
Second Coming
Second Coming
Ten Storey Love Song (Closed-Captioned)
Ten Storey Love Song (Closed-Captioned)
Ten Storey Love Song
Second Coming
Ten Storey Love Song
Second Coming
Second Coming
Second Coming
Second Coming
Second Coming
(Song For My) Sugar Spun Sister (Live in Blackpool)
(Song For My) Sugar Spun Sister (Live in Blackpool)
(Song For My) Sugar Spun Sister
The Stone Roses
(Song For My) Sugar Spun Sister
The Stone Roses
Straight To The Man
Second Coming
Straight To The Man
Second Coming
Standing Here (Remastered)
Standing Here (Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Standing Here (Remastered)
Turns Into Stone
Standing Here (Remastered)
Standing Here (Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Standing Here (Remastered)
Turns Into Stone
Standing Here
Turns Into Stone
Standing Here
She Bangs The Drum
Standing Here
She Bangs The Drums
Standing Here
Turns Into Stone
Standing Here
She Bangs The Drums
Standing Here
She Bangs The Drum
This Is the One (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
This Is the One (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
This Is the One (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
This Is the One (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
This Is the One
The Stone Roses
This Is the One
The Stone Roses
She Bangs the Drums (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
She Bangs the Drums (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
She Bangs the Drums (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
She Bangs the Drums (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
She Bangs the Drums (Official Video)
She Bangs the Drums (Official Video)
She Bangs the Drums (Elephant Remix)
80s: 100 Remixes
She Bangs the Drums (Elephant Remix)
Pure... 80s Remixes
She Bangs the Drums (Elephant Remix)
The Remixes
She Bangs the Drums (Elephant Remix)
The Remixes
She Bangs the Drums (Elephant Remix)
80s: 100 Remixes
She Bangs the Drums (Elephant Remix)
Pure... 80s Remixes
She Bangs the Drums
The Stone Roses
She Bangs the Drums
She Bangs The Drum
She Bangs the Drums
She Bangs The Drums
She Bangs the Drums
The Stone Roses
She Bangs the Drums
She Bangs The Drums
She Bangs the Drums
She Bangs The Drum
Shoot You Down (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Shoot You Down (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
Shoot You Down (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
Shoot You Down (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Shoot You Down (The Soul Hooligan Remix)
The Remixes
Shoot You Down (The Soul Hooligan Remix)
The Remixes
Shoot You Down
The Stone Roses
Shoot You Down
The Stone Roses
Sugar Spun Sister (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
Sugar Spun Sister (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
Sugar Spun Sister (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Legacy Edition)
Sugar Spun Sister (Demo Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
The Hardest Thing In the World (Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
The Hardest Thing In the World (Remastered)
Turns Into Stone
The Hardest Thing In the World (Remastered)
The Stone Roses (20th Anniversary Collector's Edition)
The Hardest Thing In the World (Remastered)
Turns Into Stone
The Hardest Thing In the World
Turns Into Stone
The Hardest Thing In the World
Discover The Stone Roses
The Hardest Thing In The World
Elephant Stone
The Hardest Thing In The World
Elephant Stone
The Hardest Thing In the World
Discover The Stone Roses
The Hardest Thing In the World
Turns Into Stone
The Hardest Thing In The World
Elephant Stone
The Hardest Thing In The World
Elephant Stone
Something's Burning (Full Length - Remastered)





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