Neil Young + Promise of the Real



1945年カナダのトロント生まれ。66年にロサンゼルスに移り、リック・ジェイムス率いるマイナー・バーズを経て、スティーヴン・スティルスらと共にロサンゼルスでバッファロー・スプリングフィールドを'67年に結成するも、翌年'68年に解散。'69年、ソロとなったニールはアルバム『ニール・ヤング』と、クレイジー・ ホースをバックに従えた『ウィズ・クレイジー・ホース』の2枚を発表。また同年夏には、S・スティルスがデヴィッド・クロスビー(元ザ・バーズ)、グラハム・ナッシュ(元ホリーズ)と共に結成したクロスビー、スティルス&ナッシュ(CS&N)に参加、クロスビー、スティルス、ナッシュ&ヤング(CSN&Y)としての活動も並行して行ない、『ウッドストック』にも出演、また'70年に発表された「デジャ・ヴ」は全米1位に輝いたが、その後バンドは解散してしまう。





Old Man (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
The Needle and the Damage Done (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Ohio (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Dance Dance Dance (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Cowgirl in the Sand (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
A Man Needs a Maid/Heart of Gold (Medley) [Live]
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Journey Through the Past (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Don't Let it Bring You Down (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Helpless (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Sugar Mountain (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Helpless (Live from The Shakespeare Theatre, 1971)
Helpless (Live from The Shakespeare Theatre, 1971)
Tell Me Why (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Old Man (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
The Needle and the Damage Done (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Ohio (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Dance Dance Dance (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Cowgirl in the Sand (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
A Man Needs a Maid/Heart of Gold (Medley) [Live]
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Journey Through the Past (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Don't Let it Bring You Down (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Helpless (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Sugar Mountain (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Tell Me Why (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Old Man (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
The Needle and the Damage Done (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Ohio (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Dance Dance Dance (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Cowgirl in the Sand (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
A Man Needs a Maid/Heart of Gold (Medley) [Live]
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Journey Through the Past (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Don't Let it Bring You Down (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Helpless (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Sugar Mountain (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Tell Me Why (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Old Man (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
The Needle and the Damage Done (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Ohio (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Dance Dance Dance (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Cowgirl in the Sand (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
A Man Needs a Maid/Heart of Gold (Medley) [Live]
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Journey Through the Past (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Don't Let it Bring You Down (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Helpless (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Sugar Mountain (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Tell Me Why (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Old Man (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
The Needle and the Damage Done (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Ohio (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Dance Dance Dance (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Cowgirl in the Sand (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
A Man Needs a Maid/Heart of Gold (Medley) [Live]
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Journey Through the Past (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Don't Let it Bring You Down (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Helpless (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Sugar Mountain (Live)
Young Shakespeare (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Down by the River (Live from The Shakespeare Theatre, 1971)
Down by the River (Live from The Shakespeare Theatre, 1971)
Down by the River (Live)
Down by the River (Live)
Letter from 'Nam
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Monday Morning explicit
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
The Bridge
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Time Fades Away (12/15/72)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Come Along and Say You Will
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Goodbye Christians on the Shore
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
The Last Trip to Tulsa
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
The Loner (Live)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Sweet Joni
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Yonder Stands the Sinner
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
L.A. (Story)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
L.A. (Live)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Human Highway (6/29/73)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Here We Are in the Years (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
After the Gold Rush (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Out on the Weekend (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Harvest (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Old Man (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Heart of Gold (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Time Fades Away (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Lookout Joe (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
New Mama (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Alabama (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Don't Be Denied (Live from Tuscaloosa)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Speakin' Out Jam
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Everybody's Alone
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Tired Eyes
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Tonight's the Night
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Mellow My Mind
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
World on a String
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Speakin' Out
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Raised on Robbery
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
Roll Another Number (For The Road)
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)
New Mama
Neil Young Archives Vol. II (1972 - 1976)

