Green Day



1987年結成。1994年にメジャーデビューアルバム「Dookie」リリース、全世界売上2000万枚の脅威的成功により、一躍パンク・ロックを世に広めそのメインストリームへの復活に貢献。1996年には初の来日公演を敢行し、前座は Hi-STANDARD が務めた。以降のアルバム「Insomniac」「Nimrod」「Warning」ではミリオンヒット・プラチナヒットを連発。
2000年には SUMMER SONIC 2000 ヘッドライナーとしても来日。2004年リリースのパンク・オペラ・アルバム「American Idiot」は特に若い世代から爆発的人気を集め、全世界1500万枚の売り上げを記録した。過去5回のグラミー賞受賞歴を誇り、うちグラミー最高賞である「最優秀レコード賞」を「American Idiot」収録曲で受賞。パンク史上初の快挙を成し遂げた。2010年には「American Idiot」のブロードウェイ・ミュージカル化、そして2015年4月18日、そのロック・ミュージックへの貢献を評価され、遂にロックの殿堂入りを果たした。


Favorite Son (feat. Joshua Henry, Mary Faber, The American Idiot Broadway Company)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Are We the Waiting (feat. Stark Sands, Joshua Henry, The American Idiot Broadway Company)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
St. Jimmy (feat. John Gallagher Jr., Declan Bennett, Theo Stockman, Tony Vincent, The American Idiot Broadway Company)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Give Me Novacaine (feat. Michael Esper, Stark Sands, The American Idiot Broadway Company)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Last of the American Girls / She's a Rebel (feat. John Gallagher Jr., Gerard Canonico, Rebecca Naomi Jones, Tony Vincent, The American Idiot Broadway Company)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Last Night on Earth (feat. Tony Vincent, Rebecca Naomi Jones, Mary Faber, The American Idiot Broadway Company)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Too Much Too Soon (feat. Theo Stockman, Michael Esper, Mary Faber, Alysha Umphress)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Before the Lobotomy (feat. Stark Sands, Chase Peacock, Joshua Henry, Ben Thompson)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Extraordinary Girl (feat. Christina Sajous, Stark Sands, The American Idiot Broadway Company)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Before the Lobotomy (feat. Stark Sands, Chase Peacock, Joshua Henry, Ben Thompson) [Reprise]
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
When It's Time (feat. John Gallagher Jr.)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Know Your Enemy (feat. Tony Vincent, Michael Esper, John Gallagher Jr., The American Idiot Broadway Company)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
21 Guns (feat. Rebecca Naomi Jones, Christina Sajous, Mary Faber, Stark Sands, John Gallagher Jr., Michael Esper, The American Idiot Broadway Company)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Letterbomb (feat. Rebecca Naomi Jones, Mary Faber, Leslie McDonel, Christina Sajous, Alysha Umphress, Libby Winters) explicit
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Wake Me up When September Ends (feat. John Gallagher Jr., Michael Esper, Stark Sands, The American Idiot Broadway Company)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Homecoming (I. The Death of St. Jimmy / II. East 12th St. / III. Nobody Likes You / IV. Rock and Roll Girlfriend / V. We're Coming Home Again) [feat. Tony Vincent, John Gallagher Jr., Theo Stockman, The American Idiot Broadway Company]
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Whatsername (feat. John Gallagher Jr.)
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
When It's Time
American Idiot - The Original Broadway Cast Recording
Last of the American Girls
Last of the American Girls
21 Guns
21 Guns
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Soundtrack
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Soundtrack
American Idiot (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Jesus of Suburbia (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Holiday (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
Are We the Waiting (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
St. Jimmy (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Longview (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Hitchin' a Ride (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
Brain Stew (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Basket Case (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
King for a Day / Shout (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
Wake Me up When September Ends (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
Minority (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) [Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05]
Bullet in a Bible
American Idiot (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Jesus of Suburbia (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Holiday (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
Are We the Waiting (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
St. Jimmy (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Longview (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Hitchin' a Ride (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
Brain Stew (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Basket Case (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
King for a Day / Shout (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
Wake Me up When September Ends (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
Minority (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05)
Bullet in a Bible
Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05) explicit
Bullet in a Bible
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) [Live at Milton Keynes National Bowl, Milton Keynes, England, 6/18/05]
Bullet in a Bible
21st Century Breakdown
21st Century Breakdown
21st Century Breakdown (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
Know Your Enemy (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
Last of the American Girls (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
21 Guns (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
American Eulogy: Mass Hysteria / Modern World (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09) explicit
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
Basket Case (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
Geek Stink Breath (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
21st Century Breakdown (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
Know Your Enemy (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
Last of the American Girls (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
21 Guns (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
American Eulogy: Mass Hysteria / Modern World (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09) explicit
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
Basket Case (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
Geek Stink Breath (Live at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo, Japan, 5/28/09)
Last Night on Earth (Live in Tokyo)
Nice Guys Finish Last explicit
Hitchin' a Ride
The Grouch explicit
All the Time explicit
Worry Rock explicit
Platypus (I Hate You) explicit
Last Ride In
Jinx explicit
Walking Alone
Take Back explicit
King for a Day
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) explicit
Prosthetic Head
Nice Guys Finish Last explicit
Hitchin' a Ride
The Grouch explicit
All the Time explicit
Worry Rock explicit
Platypus (I Hate You) explicit
Last Ride In
Jinx explicit
Walking Alone
Take Back explicit
King for a Day
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) explicit





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