William Christie


Serse, HWV 40, Act 1, Scene 15: Recitativo. "Per rapir quel tesoro" (Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 1, Scene 15: Aria. "Un cenno leggiadretto" (Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 1: Arioso. "Speranze mie fermate" (Amastre)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 1: Arietta. "Ah! chi voler fiora" (Elviro)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 1: Recitativo. "E chi di rebbe mai" (Elviro, Amastre)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 1: Aria. "Or che siete speranze tradite" (Amastre)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 2: Recitativo. "Quel curioso è partito" (Elviro)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 2: Arioso. "A piangere ogn'ora Amor mi destinà" (Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 2: Arietta. "Ah! Tigre infedele" (Elviro)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 2: Recitativo. "Parti, il re s'avvicina" (Atalanta, Elviro)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 3: Recitativo. "Con questo foglio" (Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 3: Arioso. "È tormento troppo fiero" (Serse)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 3: Recitativo. "Di quel foglio, Atalanta" (Serse, Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 3: Aria. "Dirà che amor per me piagato" (Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 3: Recitativo. "Voi quel foglio lasciate" (Serse, Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 3: Aria. "Dirà che non m'amò" (Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 4: Recitativo. "Ingannata Romilda" (Serse, Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 4: Duetto. "L'amerete?" (Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 3: Aria. "Se bramate d'amar chi vi sdegna" (Serse)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 5: Accompagnato. "L'amerò? non fia vero" (Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 5: Aria. "È gelosia quella tiranna" (Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 6: Recitativo. "Già che il duol m'uccide" (Amastre, Elviro)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 6: Aria. "Anima infida, tradita io sono" (Amastre)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 7: Recitativo. "È pazzo affè!" (Elviro, Arsamene)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 7: Aria. "Quella che tutta fè" (Arsamene)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 8: Coro. "La virtute sol potea" (Chorus)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 8: Recitativo. "Ariodate! Signore" (Serse, Ariodate)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 9: Arioso. "Per dar fine alla mia pena" (Arsamene)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 9: Recitativo. "Arsamene, ove andate?" (Serse, Arsamene)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 9: Aria. "Si, la voglio e la otterò" (Arsamene)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 10: Recitativo. "V'inchino, eccelso Rè" (Atalanta, Serse)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 10: Aria. "Voi mi dite che non l'ami" (Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 10: Recitativo. "Saria lieve ogni dolia" (Serse)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 10: Aria. "Il core spera e teme" (Serse)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 11: Recitativo. "Me infelice" (Elviro)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 11: Arietta. "Del mio caro baco amabile" (Elviro)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 12: Duetto. "Gran pena è gelosia" (Serse, Amastre)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 12: Recitativo. "Aspra sorte!" (Serse, Amastre)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 13: Recitativo. "Romilda, e sarà ver" (Serse)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 13: Arietta. "Val più contento core" (Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 13: Recitativo. "Vuo, ch'abbian fine" (Serse, Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 14: Recitativo. "La fortuna, la vita" (Amastre, Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 2, Scene 14: Aria. "Chi cede al furore" (Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3: Sinfonia
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 1: Recitativo. "Sono vani e pretesti" (Arsamene, Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 2: Recitativo. "Ahi! Scoperto è l'inganno!" (Atalanta, Elviro, Arsamene)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 2: Arietta. "No, se tu mi sprezzi" (Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 3: Recitativo. "Ecco in segno di fè" (Romilda, Elviro, Arsamene, Serse)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 3: Aria. "Per rendermi beato" (Serse)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 4: Recitativo. "Ubbidiro al mio Rè" (Arsamene, Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 4: Aria. "Amor, tiranno Amor" (Arsamene)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 5: Recitativo. "Come già vi accennammo" (Serse, Ariodate)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 5: Aria. "Del ciel d'amore" (Ariodate)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 6: Recitativo. "Il suo serto rifuto" (Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 7: Recitativo. "Fermatevi, mia Sposa" (Serse, Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 8: Recitativo. "Prode guerrier" (Romilda, Amastre)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 8: Aria. "Cagion son io del mio dolore" (Amastre)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 9: Recitativo. "Romilda infida" (Arsamene, Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 9: Duetto. "Troppo oltraggi la mia fede" (Romilda, Arsamene)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 10: Coro. "Ciò che Giove destinò" (Chorus)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 10: Recitativo. "Ecco lo sposo!" (Ariodate, Arsamene, Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 10: Coro. "Chi infelice si trovò" (Chorus)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 11: Recitativo. "Se ne viene Ariodate" (Serse, Ariodate)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Scene 11: Aria. "Crude furie degl'orridi abissi" (Serse)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Finale: Recitativo. "Perfidi! e ancor osate" (Serse, Ariodate, Arsamene, Romilda, Amastre, Elviro, Atalanta)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Finale: Aria. "Caro voi siete all'alma" (Romilda)
Handel: Serse
Serse, HWV 40, Act 3, Finale: Coro. "Ritorna a noi la calma" (Chorus)
Handel: Serse
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626: Overture
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: Song and Chorus. "Shake the Cloud From off Your Brow" (Belinda, Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: Song. "Ah Belinda, I Am Press'd with Torment" (Dido)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: Duet. "Grief Increases by Concealing" - Chorus. "When Monarchs Unite, How Happy Their State" (Belinda, Dido, Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: Duet. "Whence Could so Much Virtue Spring?" (Dido, Belinda)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: Duet and Chorus. "Fear no Danger to Ensue" (Belinda, Second Woman, Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: Trio. "See Your Royal Guest Appears" - Chorus. "Cupid Only Throws the Dart" (Belinda, Aeneas, Dido, Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: Duet. "If Not for Mine, for Empire's Sake" - Chorus. "To the Hills and the Vales" (Aeneas, Belinda, Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: The Triumphing Dance
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II: Prelude for the Witches. "Wayward Sisters, You That Fright" - Chorus. "Harm's Our Delight" (Sorceress, Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II: Song - Chorus "The Queen of Carthage" (Sorceress, First Witch, Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II: Duet. "But Ere We This Perform" (First Witch, Second Witch)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II: Chorus. "In Our Deep Vaulted Cell" - Echo Dance of Furies (Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II: Ritornello - Song and Chorus. "Thanks to These Lonesome Vales" (Belinda, Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II: Song. "Oft She Visits This Lone Mountain" (Second Woman)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II: Duet. "Behold Upon My Bending Spear" - Song and Chorus. "Haste, Haste to Town" (Aeneas, Dido, Belinda, Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II: Duet. "Stay Prince" (Spirit, Aeneas)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II: Chorus. "Then Since Our Chorus Have Sped" - The Grove's Dance (Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act 3: Song and Chorus. "Come Away" - The Sailors' Dance (Sailor, Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III: Duet. "See, See the Flags" - Song. "Our Next Motion" (Sorceress, First Witch, Second Witch)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III: Chorus. "Destruction's Our Delight" (Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III: The Witches' Dance
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III: Trio. "Your Counsel All Is Urged in Vain" (Dido, Belinda, Aeneas)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III: Chorus. "Great Minds Against Themselves Conspire" - Song. "Thy Hand, Belinda" (Chorus, Dido)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III: Song. "When I Am Laid in Earth" (Dido)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act III: Chorus. "With Drooping Wings" (Chorus)
Purcell: Dido & Aeneas
Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 1, Sinfonia (Presto - Adagio)
Handel : Acis & Galatea
Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 2, Chorus, "Oh the pleasure of the plains!"
Handel : Acis & Galatea
Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 3, Recitative accompanied, "Ye verdant plains and woody mountains" (Galatea)
Handel : Acis & Galatea
Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 4, Air, "Hush, ye pretty warbling quire" (Galatea)
Handel : Acis & Galatea
Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 5, Air, "Where shall I seek the charming fair?" (Acis)
Handel : Acis & Galatea
Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: Recitative, "Stay, shepherd, stay!" (Damon)
Handel : Acis & Galatea
Acis and Galatea, HWV 49a, Act 1: No. 6, Air, "Shepherd, what art thou pursuing?" (Damon)
Handel : Acis & Galatea




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