William Christie


Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: Recitative, "Tis Diocletian's natal day" (Valens)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 1a, Aria, "Go, my faithful soldier, go" (Valens)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: Recitative, "Vouchsafe, dread Sir, a gracious ear" (Didymus, Valens)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 3, Aria, "Racks, gibbets, sword and fire" (Valens)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 1: No. 4, Chorus, "For ever thus stands fix'd the doom" (Heathens)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: Recitative, "Most cruel edict!" (Didymus)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 5, Aria, "The raptur'd soul defies the sword" (Didymus)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: Recitative, "I know thy virtues" (Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 2: No. 6, Aria, "Descend, kind Pity, heav'nly guest" (Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 3: No. 7, Aria, "Fond flatt'ring world, adieu!" (Theodora)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 4: No. 11, Chorus, "All pow'r heaven above, or earth beneath" (Christians)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: Recitative, "Mistaken wretches! why thus blind to fate" (Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: No. 12, Aria, "Dread the fruits of Christian folly" (Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 5: Recitative, "Deluded mortal! Call it not rebellion" (Theodora, Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: Recitative, "Unhappy, happy crew!" (Didymus, Irene)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: No. 15, Aria, "Kind Heav'n if virtue be thy care" (Didymus)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: Recitative, "O love, how great thy pow'r!" (Irene)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 1 Scene 6: No. 16, Chorus, "Go, gen'rous pious youth" (Christians)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 1: Recitative, "Return, Septimius" (Valens)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 21a, Aria, "With darkness deep, as is my woe" (Theodora)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: No. 21b, Sinfonia (Largo)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 2: Recitative, "But why art thou disquited, my soul?" (Theodora)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: Recitative, "Long have I known thy friendly social soul" (Didymus, Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 23, Aria, "Though the honours that Flora and Venus receive" (Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: Recitative, "Oh save her then or give me pow'r to save" (Didymus, Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 3: No. 24, Aria, "Deeds of kindness to display" (Didymus)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: Recitative, "Or lull'd with grief or rapt her soul to Heav'n" (Didymus)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 26, Aria, "Sweet rose and lily, flow'ry form!" (Didymus)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: Recitative, "O save me, Heav'n, in this my perilous hour!" (Theodora, Didymus)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 28, Recitative accompanied, "Forbid it, Heav'n!" (Didymus)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: Recitative, "Or, say, what right have I to take" (Didymus, Theodora)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 5: No. 29, Duet, "To thee, thou glorious son of worth" (Theodora, Didymus)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 2 Scene 6: No. 30, Chorus, "He saw the lovely thruth" (Christians)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 2: Recitative, "But see, the good, the virtuous Didymus!" (Irene, Theodora)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 2: No. 32a, Aria, "When sunk in anguish and despair" (Theodora)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: Recitative, "Undaunted in the court stands Didymus" (Messenger, Irene)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 3: Recitative, "She's gone! disdaining liberty" (Irene)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 4: Recitative, "Is it a Christian virtue" (Valens, Didymus) - Recitative, "Be that my doom!" (Theodora, Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 37a, Aria, "From virtue springs each gen'rous deed" (Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: No. 38a, Aria, "Cease, ye slaves, your fruitless pray'r" (Valens)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: Recitative, "Tis kind, my friends" (Didymus, Theodora)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 5: Recitative, "On me your frowns" (Didymus, Theodora, Valens) - Recitative, "Ye ministers of justice" (Valens)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 6: Recitative, "And must such beauty suffer!" (Didymus, Theodora, Septimius)
Handel : Theodora
Theodora, HWV 68, Act 3 Scene 6: No. 41, Aria and Duet, "Streams of pleasure ever flowing … Thither let our hearts aspire!" (Didymus, Theodora)
Handel : Theodora
Alcina, HWV 34, Act 1, Scene 6: Aria. "È gelosia" (Bradamante)
Handel : Alcina [Highlights]
Alcina, HWV 34, Act 1, Scene 10: Aria. "Sì, son quella!" (Alcina)
Handel : Alcina [Highlights]
Alcina, HWV 34, Act 2, Scene 5: Aria. "Ama, sospira" (Morgana)
Handel : Alcina [Highlights]
Alcina, HWV 34, Act 2, Scene 12: Aria. "Ombre pallide" (Alcina)
Handel : Alcina [Highlights]
Alcina, HWV 34, Act 3, Scene 5: Aria. "Mi restano le lagrime" (Alcina)
Handel : Alcina [Highlights]
Alcina, HWV 34, Act 3, Scene 7: Terzetto. "Non è amor, nè gelosia" (Alcina, Bradamante, Ruggiero)
Handel : Alcina [Highlights]
Alcina, HWV 34, Act 3, Scene 9: Coro. "Dall'orror di notte cieca" (Chorus)
Handel : Alcina [Highlights]
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : I Kyrie
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : II Gloria in excelsis
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : III Laudamus te
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : IV Gratias
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : V Domine Deus
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : VI Qui tollis
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : VII Quoniam
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : VIII Jesu Christe - Cum sancto spirito
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : IX Credo in unum Deum
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : X Et incarnatus est
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : XI Sanctus
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Mass No.18 in C minor K427, 'Great' : XII Benedictus
Mozart : Mass No.18, 'Great' - Elatus
Psalmus XCII "Dominus regnavit": I. Dominus regnavit
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus XCII "Dominus regnavit": II. Et enim firmavit
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus XCII "Dominus regnavit": III. Parata sedes
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus XCII "Dominus regnavit": IV. Elevaverunt flumina
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus XCII "Dominus regnavit": V. Testimonia tua
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus XCII "Dominus regnavit": VI. Gloria Patri
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXIII "In exitu Israel": I. In exitu
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXIII "In exitu Israel": II. Mare vidit
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXIII "In exitu Israel": III. Jordanis conversus est retrorsum
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXIII "In exitu Israel": IV. Montes exsultaverunt
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXIII "In exitu Israel": V. Quid est tibi, mare
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXIII "In exitu Israel: VI. A facie Domini
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXIII "In exitu Israel": VII. Qui timent Dominum
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXIII "In exitu Israel": VIII. Non mortui laudabunt
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXXIX "De profundis clamavi": I. De profundis clamavi
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXXIX "De profundis clamavi": II. Fiant aures tuæ
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXXIX "De profundis clamavi": III. Quia apud te
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXXIX "De profundis clamavi": IV. A custodia matutina
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXXIX "De profundis clamavi": V. Quia apud Dominum
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXXIX "De profundis clamavi": VI. Et ipse redimet Israel
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Psalmus CXXIX "De profundis clamavi": VII. Requiem æternam
Mondonville: Grands Motets
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue Overture to Act 1
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue "Non, ne suivez point mes pas" [Hébé, Momus]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue "Les Grâces dans ces lieux" [Hébé, Momus, Chorus]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue "Vénus près de l'objet de sa vive tendresse" [L'Amour, Hébé, Chorus]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue "Fortunés habitants de ces prochains bocages" [L'Amour, Chorus]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue - Air gai
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue - Bourée
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue "Accourez, riante jeunesse" [Hébé]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue "Qu'avec l'Amour Hébé soit partout souveraine" [Hébé, L'Amour]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue "Vole Zéphir, Hébé t'appelle" [L'Amour]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue - Air gracieux pour Zéphir et les Grâces
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue "Volons sur les bords de la Seine" [Chorus]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Prologue "Volez, zéphirs" [Chorus]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Act 1 "Bois chéri des amours" [Sapho]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Act 1 "Cessez de m'agiter, vains remords" [Sapho, Thélème]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques
Les Fêtes d'Hébé : Act 1 "Contrainte trop cruelle!" [Sapho, Alcée]
Rameau : Les fêtes d'Hébé ou les talens lyriques




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